(me: patent agent, formerly a tech advisor in Google's Patent LItigation division)

I've written on this before:



As both a software engineer AND a patent agent, I have a unique perspective on it. For most IP lawyers, asking if software needs patenting is like asking a barber if you need a haircut.

Software does not need patenting. We need to separate it out from "real" sciences like biotech, so that Congress no longer considers them together.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25Author

What do you think of the Bezos idea of having short, 5-year patents (specifically for software)?

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That sounds promising. Do you have a link about that?

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Yeah. Back when Amazon sued B&N over its 1-click patents, they took a lot of heat. Bezos published a proposal, which included software patents only lasting 3-5 years.

Here is the proposal: http://www.techlawjournal.com/intelpro/20000309bez.htm

Here is an article we wrote about the 1-click patent saga: https://blog.withedge.com/p/the-legacy-of-amazons-1-click-checkout

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25 years old, almost.

I submitted this article to Hacker News (got only single-digit upvotes). The tech community LOVES to rant about software patents (usually incorrectly and incoherently, but that's another matter), but they have no interest in actually solving the problem.

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